Let’s work together

Have you been feeling overwhelmed?
Do you find yourself repeating the same unhealthy patterns in relationships?
Have you struggled with anxiety or depression in the past and find it comes back or never really goes away?
Are you going through a big change in your life at the moment?
Have you ever really wondered if therapy is for you?
If so why don’t you make an appointment, take that first step and see if you think it can help.
Hi, I’m Linda
I am a Clinical Psychologist based in Capalaba, Brisbane with over 20 years experience treating adults and older adolescents with mental health issues. I am passionate about what I do and I love helping my clients learn strategies to get the best out of life. I work with all mental health problems; however have a particular interest in Perinatal Mental Health and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
What I do best is delve deeper into underlying causes of your problem. I don’t just scratch the surface, but work with you to identify old experiences that shape how you think and feel about yourself and others and how those experiences relate to current problems. Together we can decide on the best form of treatment that allows you to grow and find lasting change.

Prioritising adult mental health
My caring approach allows me to provide mental health assessment and treatment services to people who are affected by mental illness including: anxiety, grief, adjustment disorder, substance abuse, chronic health issues. Together we can diagnose and work towards creating opportunities for you to share, learn and grow.
Getting support for perinatal distress
Perinatal distress is a term used to describe symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress that women and men can experience from conception through to the early years with your infant. It covers issues from infertility, conception, pregnancy loss, post-natal depression and early childhood issues. Together we can work on helping you feel your best in arguably the biggest and most important life transitions you’ll experience in life.
Working together through your trauma
Have traumatic experiences left you feeling consistently upset, angry, sad or anxious? Do they get in the way of the important relationships you have in your life now? I provide a safe environment for you to explore those issues at your pace using trauma informed treatment approaches to help you on your road to recovery.

How do we make good things out of bad? How do we look at the world? Can there be a brighter side even in our pain?
The Story of The Broken Pot
An old Chinese woman had two water cans which were attached to a yoke. Each day she put the yoke over her shoulders and went down to the river, filled the cans, and walked back to her modest hut. The water can on the right side of the yoke was fine and sturdy; when she arrived home it was always full. But the can on the left had a crack in it. By the time the woman arrived home, half the water was usually gone.
The water can always felt inferior to his partner. He was ashamed that he was cracked and wasn't pulling his weight. One day he turned to the woman and apologised for being defective. The woman smiled gently and said, "Did you think I didn't know that you had a crack, and water dripped from you? Look at the path from the river to my hut. Do you see all the beautiful flowers that are growing on the one side of the path? Those are the flowers that I planted there, that you watered every day as I walked home from the river. "That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my table. Without you being just the way you are, we would not have this beauty to grace our house."
Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. Don't be afraid of your flaws. The Japanese art of Kintsugi is based on making beautiful things out of broken ones.

Psychology can be defined as the study of mental processes and behavior. The term comes from the Greek words psyche, meaning "breath, spirit, soul," and logia, meaning "study of."
In essence, as a psychologist, I can help better understand you by delving deeper into what makes you the person you are and find strategies to help you to thrive.
Consultation Hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9am -3pm
After hours by appointment
Capalaba Natural Health
Suite 17, Level 2, The Hub,
2 Loraine Street
Capalaba 4157